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Here, at Bognor Regis Civic Society, we provide the only open forum in the area where anybody can attend and highlight any local issue which needs attention.  It’s a public meeting, so everybody gets the chance to speak, and your concerns can be debated and, if felt necessary, taken further with the backing of the Society and all its members.  The local press usually attends, which usually means coverage of newsworthy items, and it’s surprising how feedback from various sources shows this attracts the attention of those who wish to get (or stay) elected.

Also, at most meetings we have at least one speaker on issues of local importance, often a Council Officer or Cabinet member and everybody at the meeting has plenty of opportunity to ask questions or make observations to that person.  We are delighted that local Councillors frequently attend and we welcome their input and views.  It did not go unnoticed a few years ago that when a long established Councillor was invited and decided not to attend he lost his seat at the next election.  And then, at the WSCC elections in 2013 it happened again to two more.  Even in these days of electronic communications, people like to meet their Councillors face to face, and those who ignore this do so at their peril...

But we do, of course, ensure that although debate might be vigorous on contentious issues, everybody is always polite and well behaved.  In fact we are proud that in more than twenty years of (sometimes) energetic debate there has never been any bad behaviour.  That said, we do have a reputation for requiring those in authority to give proper answers to questions; politician-style non-answers are never acceptable, and we usually - politely - get to the truth!

The problem that many people face is this:  What do you do if you perceive that something needs putting right about your town?  Write a letter to the local paper?  That’s fine if it gets published - but even if it does, how many people read it?  And the next thing you know is next week’s paper is out and the thing’s history.

Perhaps you could ask a question at the next Council meeting - if they allow you. And you might even get an answer before they pass on to other matters.  But councillors’ answers are not noted for clarity, and anyway, will anything get done?  Unfortunately, probably not, and so your opportunities for getting things put right are pretty slim.

...and join in at our next meeting, there’s no charge.  Everybody’s welcome, you don’t have to join the Society, although of course we’d like you to.  Have your say or just sit and listen if you like, everybody’s very friendly.  Meetings take place intermittently, when there is something important to discuss – watch the local press where they will be publicised, or contact us to be put on our email list for information on this and other local matters.

“...local Councillors frequently did not go unnoticed that when a long established Councillor was invited and decided not to attend he lost his seat at the next election...”

“Here we provide the only open forum in the area where anybody can attend and highlight any local  issue which needs attention. this attracts the attention of those who wish to get (or stay) elected”